Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thumb Sucker

To suck the thumb or not to suck the thumb?  That is the question.  Heber has recently figured out that he can suck his thumb.  It's cute to watch him put his thumb in his mouth and then practically grab his face with his remaining fingers.  But the question I have is whether I should let him get used to sucking his thumb?  I think I would prefer the pacifier over a thumb because a pacifier can be weened from and then tossed where a thumb cannot.  It's kind of attached and can't be tossed away.  As it is, he still prefers a pacifier, but will calm himself with his thumb if he can get it to his mouth.  Meaning, I really don't have much to worry about now, right?  Either way, who knows what will happen.  Eliza only occasionally sucked her thumb, obviously prefering the pacifier.  Maybe Heber will be the same way.  And then again, maybe not.  I guess we'll see what he decides.  Choose the pacifier!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed - paci all the way! At least that's what I'd hope for!
